It’s still better than anything on TLC
How did you spend your weekend? Playing with your kids? Hooking up with random strangers? Working on a pitch?
In what can only be described as a perfect storm of misery, the citizens of Duluth were forced to squander their weekend gazing into the yawning abyss that is Arby’s new TV spot. As if living in Duluth wasn’t already punishment enough.
Have you ever looked at an Arby’s sandwich? I mean, really looked? The folds of slick, greasy flesh spill over each other like the rippling belly fat of a disemboweled Santa. It’s Jabba the Hutt’s genitals on a bun. You simply can’t unsee it.
Now imagine being forced to stare at that, Clockwork Orange style, for thirteen solid hours.
How long until your mind snaps? How long before desperation drives you claw your eyes from their sockets in a screaming ecstasy of horror and relief?
Impossible to say. But I do know this:
The people of Duluth no longer fear hell.


Stuff to buy
Words & Pictures iPhone 4 Slider CaseProtect the iPhone 4 with this back cover, two-piece case. It features a removable bottom (with a soft grip for easy handling) that slides off for quick docking. A hard plastic design protects from scratches.
$20.99 (CAD)
Availability: In Stock.
Product Number: 030-504090470
Words & Pictures Sigg Water Bottle - 1.0LBPA-free water bottle from SIGG. Made from a single piece of aluminum, it's ultra-lightweight yet rugged and crack-resistant.
$32.50 (CAD)
Availability: In Stock.
Product Number: 384639145
Words & Pictures NotebookAvailable in lined for writers and blank for Art Directors.
$10.49 (CAD)
Availability: In Stock.
Product Number: 381543119
Words & Pictures iPhone 3G Hard CaseSafeguard the iPhone 3 from dings and scratches with this rugged & durable hard plastic case (with a polished finish). It snaps onto devices and gives easy access to all controls.
$20.99 (CAD)
Availability: In Stock.
Product Number: 030-504090470
Words & Pictures Value T-shirtI dare you to wear this when you meet her parents. I double dog dare you.
$11.50 (CAD)
Availability: In Stock.
Product Number: 030-95842700
Words & Pictures Women's Tank TopWhat a brave corporate logo! Will you accept the challenge of Mr. Sparkle?
$20.50 (CAD)
Availability: In Stock.
Product Number: 030-94215804
The "Mandatory Logo On A Mug" MugIronically, neither Jamie nor I drink coffee. But if you work late as much as we do, you'll be able to fill this mug with the salty tears of your children.
$14.50 (CAD)
Availability: In Stock.
Product Number: 030-94207244
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